Quiz #50

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1. A-1 is going for a lay-up, B-1 grabs A-1’s jersey from behind. Handle the Situation?

2. A-1 has control of the ball. Who can call a time out in this scenario?

3. A-1 attempts a lay-up, the ball is in the cylinder when A-2 taps the ball in. The center official rules offensive basket interference?  T-F.

4. What is legal guarding position?

5. How many seconds do you have to replace a disqualified player?

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Play #1

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“Working together, we all get better.”

The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The ruling given is based on NFHS rules.  NCAA rules may be different.

Play #1 – A-1, in the backcourt, attempts a pass to A-4 near the division line. B-4 jumps from Team A’s backcourt and intercepts the ball landing first with his right foot in his frontcourt and then his left foot comes down in his backcourt. The official rules this a backcourt violation. Was the official correct?

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Quiz # 49

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1. With 0.3 seconds on the clock and the score A 53-B-54. A-5 catches a throw-in  pass and shoots and scores on the play. Does the basket count? Yes or No.

2. In question 1, how if the player was fouled. How would you handle the situation?

3. With the ball in flight during a try by A-1, B-2 blocks the shot after it is released. The horn sounds ending the period. The blocked shot enters the basket following the sounding of the horn. The center official disallows the goal? T-F

4. A-3 throws a full court pass to A-2 breaking for the basket. The Head Coach of Team A requests a time out. The trail official does not grant the time out. The pass goes over A-2’s head and out of bounds. Team A should be granted the time out ; since they have team control? T-F.

5. A-2 is dribbling the ball in his/her back court. A-2 ends their dribble and throws the ball towards A-5 in their front court. The pass hits the center official who is in the front court and it bounces back to A-3 in the back court who recovers the ball. The trail official rules a back court violation? T-F

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Quiz # 48

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1. A-1 is dribbling in their back court. A-1 throws a pass to A-3 who jumps from their front court and lands in their back court as they receive the pass when they were airborne. The center official rules a back court violation? T-F.

2. Player A-1 blocks a loose ball from going out of bounds. A-1 leaves the floor and then returns to the floor and recovers the ball. Is this a violation? Yes or No?

3. A-1 passes the ball to A-3 who is looking back, as A-3 catches the ball he/she “runs over” B-3 who is in a legal guarding position. The center official rules a player control foul? T-F.

4. A-1 drives to the basket and there is a collision with B-1. The center official rules a block and the lead official rules a player control foul. The ball was not released. Handle the Situation?

5. A-1 is driving to the basket, B-1 is trying to block the shot and “winds up” and hits A-1 in the head. Handle the Situation?

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Quiz # 47

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1. B-1 fouls A-1 on a successful “2” point shot. After the play, B-2 flagrantly pushes A-1. Handle the Situation?

2. If there is a discrepancy in the score and the error is not resolved, the referee shall accept the progressive team totals of the official score book? T-F.

3. An overtime period shall be 5 minutes? T-F.

4. A-1 and B-1 collide with one another and are injured, both players want to remain in the game. Handle the Situation?

5. Accidentally striking the ball with the foot or leg is a violation? T-F.

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