Quiz # 48

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1. A-1 is dribbling in their back court. A-1 throws a pass to A-3 who jumps from their front court and lands in their back court as they receive the pass when they were airborne. The center official rules a back court violation? T-F.

2. Player A-1 blocks a loose ball from going out of bounds. A-1 leaves the floor and then returns to the floor and recovers the ball. Is this a violation? Yes or No?

3. A-1 passes the ball to A-3 who is looking back, as A-3 catches the ball he/she “runs over” B-3 who is in a legal guarding position. The center official rules a player control foul? T-F.

4. A-1 drives to the basket and there is a collision with B-1. The center official rules a block and the lead official rules a player control foul. The ball was not released. Handle the Situation?

5. A-1 is driving to the basket, B-1 is trying to block the shot and “winds up” and hits A-1 in the head. Handle the Situation?

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Quiz # 47

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1. B-1 fouls A-1 on a successful “2” point shot. After the play, B-2 flagrantly pushes A-1. Handle the Situation?

2. If there is a discrepancy in the score and the error is not resolved, the referee shall accept the progressive team totals of the official score book? T-F.

3. An overtime period shall be 5 minutes? T-F.

4. A-1 and B-1 collide with one another and are injured, both players want to remain in the game. Handle the Situation?

5. Accidentally striking the ball with the foot or leg is a violation? T-F.

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Quiz # 46

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1. B-1 fouls A-1 on the perimeter. After the foul B-1 throws A-1 to the floor.  What type of fouls are these?

2. B-1 fouls A-1 flagrantly,  A-1 is injured on the play and cannot attempt the free throws. Who will attempt the free throws?

3. In 3 person officiating, the lead official is responsible for strong side rebounding coverage.

4. A-1 is dribbling in his/her back court, B-1 knocks the ball away from A-1, the trail official will continue his/her 10 second count? T-F.

5. In question 4, Team A is still in team control? Yes or No.

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Quiz # 45

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1. Following a time out, both teams are at the side line with respective coaches after all signals have been given prior to a throw-in by Team A . Team B requests a time out after the official places the ball on the floor at the designated throw-in spot. The administering official does not grant the time out? T-F.

2. A-1 is in the back court and has dribbled for “8” seconds when he/she passes the ball forward to A-2 in the front court. While the ball is in the air, going from back court to front court, the 10 second count expires. The trail official rules a 10 second violation? T-F

3. Same scenario as in question #12; but the ball hits the floor before the 10 second count expires. The trail official does not rule a 10 second violation? T-F.

4. In question 12, where is the ball put into play?

5. B-1 fouls A-1 on the perimeter. After the foul B-1 throws A-1 to the floor. Team A is in the bonus. Handle the Situation?

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Quiz # 44

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1. No free throws are awarded for a double personal foul? T-F.

2. No free throws are awarded for a double technical foul? T-F.

3. No free throws are awarded for a simultaneous personal foul? T-F.

4. Penalties for  false double fouls are administered in the order in which the fouls are occurred? T-F.

5. Following a time out, both teams are at the side line with respective coaches after all signals have been given prior to a throw-in by Team A . Team A requests a time out after the official places the ball on the floor at the designated throw-in spot. The administering official grants the time out? T-F.

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