Quiz #63

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1. A-1 the free thrower “muffs” the pass from the lead official and the ball rolls forward. Handle the Situation?

2. A-1 the free thrower while performing their habitual dribble prior to the release, accidentally allows the ball to deflect off their foot into the lane. Handle the Situation?

3. A correctable error is not prevented or rectified. The team that it was against only has a “30” second time out left. The officiating crew charges them with a “30″ second time out? T-F

4. If a correctable error is prevented or rectified a team is not charged with a time out? T-F

5. When one team is charged with a “30” second time out and the other is charged with a “60” second time out, the duration shall be 60 seconds? T-F

6. A pass thrown across the perimeter from one side of the court to the other is known as a “skip” pass? T-F

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Quiz #62

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1. Unused time outs during the game accumulate into the overtime period? T-F

2. The calling team during a time out can control the length of the time out? T-F

3. During a “30” second time out, no court side entertainment can occur? T-F.

4. A pass by A-1 to A-2 hits A-2 in the arm and is in flight when the horn sounds and the ball goes in the basket. The center official cancels the goal stating it was not a try; but a pass? T-F.

5. The lead official should not rotate until all “3” officials are in the front court? T-F

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Quiz #61

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1. When a player is disqualified a team may be granted a time out? T-F.

2. If a correctable error is not prevented or rectified, a team is charged with a time out? T-F.

3. The referee may use the official’s 10 second count to correct a timing mistake? T-F.

4. Pinch the Paint is used in the closed down position by the lead official? T-F.

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Quiz #60

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1. A-1 has the ball for a throw-in following a made basket. The throw-in hits the bottom of the back board and bounces to B-2. who grabs the ball and scores a basket. The basket counts? T-F.

2. The sides of the back board and the top of the back board are in play? T-F.

3. If a correctable error is not prevented or rectified a team is charged with a time out? T-F.

4. If a timing, scoring or alternating possession mistake is not prevented or rectified a team is charged with a time out? T-F.

5. A time out request can be oral or visual? T-F

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Quiz #59

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1. A quarter{s} may be shortened in an emergency or at any time by mutual agreement of the opposing coaches and the referee.? T-F

2. When A-1 fumbles the ball, A-1 is still in team control? T-F.

3. A-1 dribbles the ball in the front court and B-1 is within 6 feet of A-1. The trail official should have a closely guarded count? T-F.

4. If A-1 is airborne, B-1 must have obtained a legal guarding position before A-1 left the playing court? T-F.

5. A-1’s “3” point shot is short and hits A-2 in the shoulder and goes in the basket. How many points should be scored for Team A?

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