Quiz #60

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1. A-1 has the ball for a throw-in following a made basket. The throw-in hits the bottom of the back board and bounces to B-2. who grabs the ball and scores a basket. The basket counts? T-F.

2. The sides of the back board and the top of the back board are in play? T-F.

3. If a correctable error is not prevented or rectified a team is charged with a time out? T-F.

4. If a timing, scoring or alternating possession mistake is not prevented or rectified a team is charged with a time out? T-F.

5. A time out request can be oral or visual? T-F

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Quiz #59

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1. A quarter{s} may be shortened in an emergency or at any time by mutual agreement of the opposing coaches and the referee.? T-F

2. When A-1 fumbles the ball, A-1 is still in team control? T-F.

3. A-1 dribbles the ball in the front court and B-1 is within 6 feet of A-1. The trail official should have a closely guarded count? T-F.

4. If A-1 is airborne, B-1 must have obtained a legal guarding position before A-1 left the playing court? T-F.

5. A-1’s “3” point shot is short and hits A-2 in the shoulder and goes in the basket. How many points should be scored for Team A?

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Quiz #58

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1. Jumper A-4 turns backwards prior to the toss to confuse jumper B-4. The U-1 rules a jump ball violation? T-F.

2. When the whistle is blown it causes the ball to become dead immediately? T-F.

3. The overtime period is an extension of the 4th quarter? T-F

4. A substitute becomes a player when he/she legally enters the floor; or if illegally  enters the floor after the ball becomes live? T-F

5. When is the ball at the disposal of the thrower-in?

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Quiz #57

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1. With 2:29 remaining in the 4th quarter, A-1 fouls B-1. Team B is in the bonus, but the officiating crew fails to award the bonus. Thrower-In B-2 throws the ball to B-3 and A-3 knocks the ball out of bounds. The trail looks up at the score board and realizes that Team B is in the bonus. B-1 will shoot the bonus with no players lined up and receive the ball out of bounds where the ball was knocked out of bounds? T-F.

2. There are two types of screens; a screen against a stationary opponent and a screen against a moving opponent? T-F.

3. A goal is made when a live ball enters the basket from above and remains or passes through the basket  with the exception of a throw-in? T-F.

4. If a player scores a field goal in the opponent’s basket, it is not credited to a player, but is indicated in a footnote? T-F.

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Quiz #56

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1. With three-tenths of a second on the clock and the score A 53-B-54, A-5 catches a throw-in  pass and shoots and scores on the play. Does the basket count? Yes or No.

2. In question 1, how if the player was fouled. How would you handle the situation?

3. With the ball in flight during a try by A-1, B-2 blocks the shot after it is released. The horn sounds ending the period. The blocked shot enters the basket following the sounding of the horn. The center official disallows the goal? T-F

4. A-3 throws a full court pass to A-2 breaking for the basket. The Head Coach of Team A requests a time out. The trail official does not grant the time out. The pass goes over A-2’s head and out of bounds. Team A should be granted the time out ; since they have team control? T-F.

5. A-2 is dribbling the ball in his/her back court. A-2 ends their dribble and throws the ball towards A-5 in their front court. The pass hits the center official who is in the front court and it bounces back to A-3 in the back court who recovers the ball. The trail official rules a back court violation? T-F

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