Quiz #68

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  1. A-1 is fouled and is injured on the play. A-1 cannot shoot their free throws. A-6 enters the game for A-1. Before A-6 is given the ball to start the free throw, A-7 goes to the table to substitute for A-6. Is this legal? Yes or No?


  1. A-1 is fouled and is injured on the play. A-1 cannot shoot their free throws. A-6 enters the game for A-1. As A-6 is coming into the game, he/she slips on sweat and sprains their ankle. A-7 reports in for A-6 and will shoot the free throws. Is this legal? Yes or No


  1. A-1 tries for goal and the ball lodges in the ring. The game will continue with the AP Arrow? T-F.


  1. A-1 is fouled in the act of shooting by B-1. A-1’s try is successful making the score Team A-62 and Team B-58. The game clock shows 00.00; but the game clock horn has not sounded? Will A-1 shoot their free throw? Yes or No


  1. When beckoning substitutes into the game, you should not use both hands to beckon them in? T-F

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Quiz #67

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1. On a jump ball, non-jumpers shall not have either foot break the plane of the restraining circle until the ball is tapped? T-F.

2. The jumper must attempt to touch the jump ball once the official tosses the jump ball? T-F.

3. There are 0:00.3 left in regulation. A-1 is shooting their last free throw. The free throw is missed and A-5 taps the ball and the horn sounds and the tap goes in the basket. The opposite official scores the goal. T-F.

4. Same scenario as in question 3; but B-3 taps the ball towards Team A’s basket and the goes in. Does the goal count? Yes or No.

5. Team A has an end line throw in their front court. There are 0:00.3 left in regulation. Thrower-In A-1 throws the ball to A-5 who catches the ball and is fouled by B-5 while A-5 is in the act is shooting. A-1 releases the ball and the horn sounds. Handle the Situation?

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Quiz #66

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1. A-1 the thrower-in has an AP throw-in. A-1 throws a pass to A-2.  While the ball is in flight, the trail official has an inadvertent whistle. Handle the Situation?

2. A-1 dunks with 9 minutes to go in pre-game warm ups. B-1 dunks with 5 minutes to go in pre-game warm-ups. Handle the Situation?

3. A-1 is on one knee and stands up while not moving the pivot foot. The center official “no calls” the play? T-F.

4. In NFHS, a time out may only be reduced in length if both teams are ready to play before the time out is over? T-F.

5. When the official is ready to toss the ball, players may move onto the center restraining circle. T-F
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Quiz #65

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1. In facilities without a red light behind or an LED light on each back board, the audible timer’s signal shall indicate that time has expired? T-F.

2. The facility has functioning LED lights on each back board. A-1 starts his/her try for goal and the ball is in his/her hand{s} when the LED light is activated. The ball is out of A-1’s hand{s} when the horn sounds. The center official cancels the goal? T-F.

3. The torso color of the game jersey shall be light for the home team and a contrasting dark color for the visiting team? T-F.

4. The torso color of the game jersey shall be white for the home team and a contrasting dark color for the visiting team? T-F.

5. An airborne shooter is in the act of shooting until both feet return to the floor? T-F.

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Quiz #64

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1. A-1 attempts a “3” point goal; B-1 slaps the ball on its downward flight outside of the cylinder and above ring level. The try has a chance to go in. The center official rules basket-interference on B-1? T-F

2. A-1 attempts a “3″ point goal; B-1 knocks the ball out of the cylinder. The center official rules goal-tending on B-1? T-F.

3. A-1 throws an ally hoop pass to A-3. A-1 is behind the “3” point line. A-3 misses the pass and the ball goes in the basket. How many points are scored on the play?

4. Stacked and straight-lined have the same meaning? T-F.

5. A game or extra period may not start with a jump ball if a foul occurs before the ball becomes live? T-F

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