1. A-1 is dribbling the ball in their back court. Team B’s Head Coach requests a time out. The trail official grants the time out. The trail official realizes he/she made a mistake and revokes the time out. The trail official is correct? T-F.
2. A-1’s dribble is interrupted. A-2 requests a time out. The trail official ignores the request? T-F.
3. A-1 is shooting a free throw. B-2 along the lane violates. A-1’s try is successful. B-2 violation is disregarded? T-F.
4. Team A’s Head Coach wants to appeal to the officiating crew that he/she has a correctable error situation. The appeal is too late. Is Team A charged with a time out? Yes or NO.
5. If Team A has no 60 second time out; but has a 30 second time out in question 4. Should Team A be charged with a 30 second time out? Yes or No.