Quiz #83

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1. A-1 is dribbling the ball in their back court. Team B’s Head Coach requests a time out. The trail official grants the time out. The trail official realizes he/she made a mistake and revokes the time out. The trail official is correct? T-F.

2. A-1’s dribble is interrupted. A-2 requests a time out. The trail official ignores the request? T-F.

3. A-1 is shooting a free throw. B-2 along the lane violates. A-1’s try is successful. B-2 violation is disregarded? T-F.

4. Team A’s Head Coach wants to appeal to the officiating crew that he/she has a correctable error situation. The appeal is too late. Is Team A charged with a time out? Yes or NO.

5. If Team A has no 60 second time out; but has a 30 second time out in question 4. Should Team A be charged with a 30 second time out? Yes or No.

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Quiz #82

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1. Substitutes A-6, A-7 and A-8 enter the floor and fight with substitutes B-6, B-7, B-8. Handle the Situation?

2. A protective face mask, knee brace, ankle brace and shoulder cast may be worn for medical reasons? T-F.

3. The use of electronic devices is permitted during the game? T-F.

4. Ideal playing court dimensions are 84 X 50? T-F


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Quiz #81

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1. Team A has an A.P. throw-in. Thrower-in A-1 violates on the throw-in. Team B will receive the ball for the throw-in violation and the A.P arrow will be reversed to Team B? T-F.

2. Team A has an A.P. throw-in. As thrower-in A-1 is attempting the throw-in, A-3 pushes B-3 before the throw-in ends. The center official rules a team control foul on A-3. Team B will receive the ball at the spot of the foul and the A.P. arrow will remain with Team A? T-F.

3. The division line is in the back court? T-F.

4. A-1 is dribbling in his/her back court, he/she has one foot in the back court and one foot in the front court. The 10 second count continues because the ball is in the back court.

5. How many captain{s} can confer with the officiating crew in a game?

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Quiz #80

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1. When  a player is disqualified neither team may be granted a time out? T-F

2. A-1 is shooting a free throw. B-5 on Team B’s bench is yelling “miss it”.  A-1 misses the shot. The center official “no calls” the play because B-5 is not on the floor. T-F.

3. On a free throw, the free thrower and players behind the free throw line extended and “3” point line have the same free throw restrictions? T-F.

4. B-1 is shooting their 2nd free throw after an intentional personal foul. B-1 violates on the free throw. Where is the ball put into play?

5. Thrower-In A-1 throws the ball to A-2 who is on the playing court. While the ball is in flight, A-3 requests a time out. The center official ignores the request? T-F.

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Quiz #79

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1.  A-1 attempts a lay-up and is fouled by B-1. The shot is unsuccessful. A-1 is injured on the play. A-1 cannot shoot the free throw. Who will shoot the free throw?

2. A-1 runs out of bounds on the end line in their front court for an unauthorized reason. Is this a violation as soon as A-1 runs out of bounds? Yes or No.

3. Who designates the shooter on a technical foul?

4. The score ends with the score Team A- 60- Team B- 60. After 30 seconds into the overtime period, the official scorer tells the referee that  they forgot to add a point for Team A in regulation. The score is still 60-60. Handle the Situation?

5. A-1 the free thrower fakes a free throw and B-1 along the lane enters the lane. The center official rules a free throw violation on A-1. T-F

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