Quiz #98

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1. A-1 is shooting a one and one, A-3 and B-3 simultaneously  commit  free throw violations along the lane. The lead official rules a double violation and continues the game with the  AP Arrow? T-F.

2. A-1 is shooting a one and one, B-3 violates along the lane and A-4 who is behind the free throw line extended and  the “3” point line  goes on the release. The center official rules a double free throw violation and continues the game with the AP Arrow? T-F.

3. A-1 is shooting a one and one, B-3 violates along the lane and A-1’s free throw does not touch the ring. The lead official rules a double violation and continues the game with the AP Arrow? T-F.

4. A-1 is shooting a one and one, B-2 disconcerts along the lane and A-1’s free throw does not hit the ring. The center official rules a double violation and continues the game with the AP Arrow? T-F.

5. Jumpers A-1 and B-1 simultaneously tap the ball out of bounds. On the re-jump A-3 and B-3 may be the jumpers? T-F.


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Quiz #97

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1. What is the Point of Interruption for a double foul if a try is in flight and is unsuccessful?

2. What is the penalty if a team member enters the game wearing an illegal number?

3. The coaching box starts at a point 28 feet from the endline and extends to the endline? T-F.

4. The basketball shall have a maximum of eight horizontally shaped panels ? T-F.

5. The basket ring is 18 inches in diameter and 10 feet above the floor?

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Quiz #96

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1. A-1 is airborne is going out of bounds, may A-1 be granted a time out? Yes or No.

2. A-1’s dribble is interrupted, A-1 requests a time out, the trail official denies the request? T-F

3. In 3 person mechanics, who informs the head coach that a player is disqualified?

4. A-1 and B-1 collide with one another and are injured. if both want to stay in the game, both teams must take a time out? Yes or No

5. In question #4, If Team A takes a 30 second time out and Team B takes a 60 second time out, how long should the time out be?


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Quiz #95

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1.If a correctable error is not prevented or rectified a team is charged with a time out? T-F.

2. If a scoring mistake is not prevented or rectified a team is charged with a time out? T-F.

3. A coach who is out of the coaching box may be warned the 1st time this occurs? T-F

4. Team A leads by “3” points with four seconds remaining in the 4th quarter. Thrower-In A-1 is attempting a throw-in when B-3 holds A-3’s jersey as A-3 is cutting towards the ball. The center official rules an intentional personal foul? T-F.

5. Late in the 4th quarter, Team B is trailing by “2” points. The Head Coach of Team B “yells”, foul, foul, foul, B-1 hits A-1 on the arm. The trail official rules a common foul on B-1? T-F.

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Quiz #94

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1. A-1 receives a pass and fumbles the ball, A-1 recovers and dribbles the ball, after A-1 ends the dribble, A-1 fumbles the ball and recovers the ball. Is this legal? Yes or NO.

2. A dribble ends when an opponent touches the ball causing the dribbler to lose control? T-F.

3. The American flag may be worn anywhere on the team jersey provided it does not exceed 2 X 3 inches and does not interfere with the visibility of the player’s number? T-F.

4. A-1’s throw-in pass is beyond A-2. A-2 reaches out and slaps the ball toward A’s basket. A-2 then gains control of the ball and dribbles to the basket and scores. Is this legal? Yes or No.

5. A-1 attempts a pass to A-2 during pressing action in Team A’s back court. The ball hits Team B’s back board and A-1 recovers the ball and dribbles. The trail official rules a double dribble? T-F.


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