Quiz #139

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1. When a player is disqualified, neither team may be granted a time out? T-F.

2. When the ball is at the disposal of Team A for a throw-in, only Team A may be granted a time out? T-F.

3. A-1 is shooting two free throws. On the 1st free throw before A-1 releases the ball, A-2 pushes B-2. Team B is in the bonus. Handle the Situation ?

4. When does the act of shooting end?

5. When does a tap end?

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Quiz #138

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1.  A-1 is attempting a throw-in. B-1 reaches across the plane and illegally contacts the thrower-in on the elbow? This is a delay of game technical foul? T-F.

2.  On a throw-in, if the throw-in team line up their team in a tandem formation perpendicular to the boundary line, they are not required to allow an opponent to take a position between them? T-F.

3.  When the wrong team is allowed a throw-in, the mistake must be rectified before the throw-in ends? T-F.

4.  A-1 has been awarded two free throws after time has expired in the 4th quarter. Team B leads 62-60 and A-1 misses the first attempt. Will the second free throw be attempted? Yes or No.

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Quiz #137

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1. A-1 the thrower-in has a throw-in in the front court. A-1 throws the ball to  airborne player A-2 who jumps the frontcourt and lands on one foot in the frontcourt and the other lands in the backcourt. This is a back court violation? T-F.

2. A-1 the thrower-in has a throw-in in their front court. A-1 throws the ball to A-2 who muffs the ball into the back court. A-3 picks the ball up in the back court. The trail official rules a back court violation.

3. What is the penalty for an intentional personal foul?

4. What is the penalty for an intentional technical foul?

5. Any player can shoot an intentional personal foul? T-F.

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Quiz #136

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1. A player advises the coach that he/she must wear a head covering for religious reasons.  The officiating  crew shall permit a non-dangerous covering or wrap to be worn if the head coach and athletic director follow the process deemed appropriate by the state? T-F.

2. During the throw-in, 10 seconds, 3 seconds, front court status, back court status, closely guarded , etc., are not factors as there has yet to be player control / team control obtained inbounds? T-F.

3. When the throw-in team fouls during a throw-in , it’s a team control foul unless it’s an intentional or flagrant personal foul? T-F.

4. When does a throw-in end?

5. A-1 the thrower-in has a throw-in in the frontcourt. A-1 throws the ball to  airborne player A-2 who jumps from the frontcourt and lands in the backcourt. This is a legal play? Yes or No.

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Quiz #135

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1. The Coach of Team A curses at the trail official. The trail official issues a behavioral warning? T-F.

2. The Coach of Team  leaves his/her coaching box and is front of the scoring table and “yells”, “play 34”. The trail official issues a behavioral warning? T-F.

3. The ball is at the disposal of the thrower-in when the thrower-in catches the ball? T-F.

4. The ball is at the disposal of the free thrower when the free thrower catches the ball? T-F.

5. A player has a head covering for medical reasons. They present a doctor’s note which indicates the player must wear a head covering for medical reasons. This is permitted? Yes or No.

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