2018-19 Video Play of the Week #2

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2018-19 Video Play of the Week – Issue #2
“Working together, we all get better.”

The video play is provided for your review and discussion. Any rulings given are based on NFHS rules and mechanics. NCAA rulings and mechanics may be different.

This video by Scott Bach-Hansen addresses processes and procedures involving dealing with a player who has an illegal jersey on.  An important point that he makes is that as officials we should remind the coach and player that he cannot take his jersey off within the visual confines of the gym.  This can help to avoid the technical foul that had to be charged in this video.

Another point to be made is that since the player #10 was beckoned in before the shirt was observed, #10 became a player.  Upon being sent out, he will need to wait until the clock runs before he can enter again.

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Play of the Day #51 (2018-19)

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The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.

Team A is not in the bonus.   A1 is shooting the 2nd free throw for a two-shot foul.  After A1 releases the ball, but before the ball contacts the basket, B1 enters the lane, crosses the free throw line and fouls A1.  The free throw was not successful.

Handle the situation.

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Play of the Day #50 (2018-19)

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The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.

During the 2nd quarter A-1 is fouled by B-2.  The scoreboard shows this to be Team B’s 7th team foul of the half.  As the players are lining up for a bonus free throw situation, the table gets the officials’ attention and indicates that this is only the 5th team foul of the half.  The officials award the ball to Team A at the spot nearest the foul.

After the ball comes inbounds, Team B steals the ball and play heads to the other end of the court.  The ball becomes dead when the official sounds the whistle.  The coach of Team A asks for the referee to double check the number of team fouls on Team B.  When the referee does this, he determines that B-2’s foul was the 7th team foul of the half.  Handle the situation.

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Play of the Day #49 (2018-19)

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The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.

Near the end of a state semi-final game Team A is trailing by 2 points.  A-1 attempts a desperation shot from half court and is fouled around the time the horn sounds.  The crowd noise is so loud, the officials do not hear the horn.  There are no lights on or above the backboard.  The table officials cannot provide any definitive information.  Handle the situation.

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