1. The timer sounds a warning horn to begin the 15 second interval of time for the Head Coach to replace an injured player. T-F
2. The timer sounds the horn with 20 seconds before the expiration of a 60 second time out. T-F
3. A team must begin with 5 players. T-F
4. A-1 is dribbling near the side line when B-2 standing on the boundary line reaches out and touches the ball. The trail official rules an out of bounds violation on B-2. T-F
5. A1 is dribbling up the side line and touches the inside boundary line. The trail official rules an out of bounds violation on A-1. T-F
1. True-2-12-5.
2. False- 5-11-2.
3. True- 3-1-1-Note.
4. True-7-2-2.
5. True- 7-1-1.
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