1. An identical number is a team technical foul? T-F.
2. A-1 is driving for the basket and is in the act of shooting. B-1 Fouls A-1 intentionally, A-1 is injured on the play and cannot shoot. There are substitutes available for Team A. Any substitute or player in the game may shoot the awarded free throws? T-F.
3. A-1 is fouled on a “15” foot jump shot. A-2 intentionally steps to the free throw line and makes both free throws. The officiating crew discover the discrepancy. This technical foul should be charged directly to the Head Coach of Team A? T-F.
4. When does a disqualified player become bench personnel?
5. An intentional foul may occur when the ball is dead or alive? T-F.
1. True- Rule-10- 2e.
2. False- 8-2
3. False- Rule-10-6f.
4. When the Head Coach is notified of the disqualification. 4-14-2.
5. True-4-19-3, 4-19-5c
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