1. On a free throw, there are three lane spaces on each boundary line? T-F.
2. During a free throw when lane spaces may be occupied, a maximum of “4” defensive and “2” offensive players may occupy said marked lane spaces? T-F.
3. Players occupying marked free throw lane spaces may not enter the free throw semicircle until the ball touches the ring or until the free throw ends? T-F.
4. No teammate of the free thrower shall occupy either of the first marked lane spaces? T-F.
5. If the ball is to become dead when the last free throw for a specific penalty is not successful, players shall not occupy any spaces along the free throw lane lines? T-F.
1. True- 1-5-2.
2. True-8-1-4a.
3. True-9-1-3h.
4. True- 8-1-4b.
5. True- 8-1-3.
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