1. Where is the ball put in play after an offensive basket interference violation?
2. Where is the ball put in play after a defensive basket interference violation?
3. A-1 grasps the ring and is not protecting themselves from injury. The ball is on the ring from B-1’s jump shot. Which of the following are true:
a. Technical foul on A-1.
b. Basket-Interference on A-1.
c. The basket counts.
d. All of the Above.
4. A-1’s try is in flight. A-3 pushes B-3, the goal is successful . Team B is in the bonus. Which of the following are true:
a. The basket counts.
b. B-3 will shoot the bonus.
c. A-3’s foul shall be ruled a team control foul.
d. A and B.
5. The lead official should not rotate until all “3” officials are in the front court? T-F.
6. You can have continuous motion on a personal or technical foul on the defense? T-F.
1. At the spot of the violation. 7-5-2-b.
2. The team that is scored upon can run the end line. 7-5-7.
3. D- 9.11. 1. Situation B Case Book.
4. D- 6-7-7-Exception A.
5. True-2.27. Manual.
6. True- 4-11-1 and 2.
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