Monthly Archives: October 2024

Quiz #412 (2024)

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1. Team A has a throw-in with 0:00.3 on the game clock. Team A can only score on a tap. T-F 2. Team A has a throw-in with 0:00.3 on the game clock. Thrower-In A1 throws the ball to A2 who catches the ball and is fouled by B2. A2 releases the ball and the ball goes in the basket…. Read more »

Quiz #411 (2024)

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1. The thrower is the player who attempts a throw-in. T-F 2. A throw-in is a method of putting the ball in play from out of bounds. T-F 3. The throw-in begins when the ball is at the disposal of a player of the team entitled to it. T-F 4. The throw-in count begins when the ball is at the… Read more »

Quiz #410 (2024)

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1. A goal is made when a live ball enters the basket from above and remains in or passes through. T-F 2. A1 is performing a throw-in and throws the ball into Team’s A basket. The administering official cancels the goal. T-F 3. In question 2, A1 has committed a throw-in violation. T-F 4. For a throw-in violation, the opposing… Read more »

Quiz #409 (2024)

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1. After the horn sounds to end the 4th quarter with the score tied, A1 is assessed a technical foul for taunting B1. The ruling should be: A. Team B shall shoot free throws to open the overtime period, after which a jump ball is administered. B. Team B shall shoot free throws to open the overtime period, after which… Read more »

Quiz #408 (2024)

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1. A tap is not considered a try. T-F 2. The home team is wearing dark jerseys and the visitors are wearing dark jerseys. The home team’s head coach will be assessed a direct technical foul. T-F 3. A1 is attempting a throw-in and breaks the plane with the ball.  B1 dislodges the ball.  The trail official rules a delay… Read more »