1. A-1 attempts a “3” point try and is intentionally fouled by B-1. The try is unsuccessful. Handle the Situation? 2. A-1 attempts a “3” point try and is intentionally fouled by B-1. The try is successful. Handle the Situation? 3. An intentional foul shall be charged when the contact is judged to be excessive? T-F. 4. A-1 has a… Read more »
1. When the lead official bounces the ball to the free thrower, the ball is at the disposal of the free thrower? T-F. 2. When the trail official bounces the ball to the thrower-in, the ball is at the disposal of the thrower-in? T-F. 3. A player is disqualified when he/she commits a technical foul for grasping the ring and… Read more »
1. In facilities without a red light behind or an LED light on each backboard, the audible timer’s signal shall indicate that time has expired? T-F. 2. The facility has functioning LED lights on each backboard. A-1 starts his/her try for goal and the ball is in his/her hand{s} when the LED light is activated. The ball is out of A-1’s… Read more »
1. A-1 scores on a lay-up. After the ball passes through the basket, A-1 slaps the backboard. You make the call? 2. A-1 attempts a lay-up, B-1 slaps the backboard while the ball is in the cylinder. You make the call? 3. Thrower-In A-1 throws the ball to in bounds A-2. When does the 10 second count start? 4. Thrower-In A-1 throws the… Read more »
1. A-1 who is a designated starter gets injured in warm-ups 10 minutes before the game. Handle the Situation? 2. Penalties for fouls are administered in the order which the fouls occurred? T-F. 3. Use of a tablet for coaching purposes is permitted? T-F. 4. A team can use a television monitor to review a decision made by the officiating crew? T-F. 5. No…. Read more »