1. Team A has 3 players who have illegal numbers, all 3 are starters. What is the penalty? 2. A-1 is driving for the basket and is intentionally fouled by B-1 when A-1 is in the act of shooting. The ball goes in the basket. The goal is counted, A-1 is awarded two free throws and the ball is awarded… Read more »
1. How are the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters started? 2. Double whistles belong to the primary official? T-F. 3. Bench personnel includes anyone in the team bench area? T-F. 4. Continuous motion applies to a try, tap and free throw? T-F 5. A team is in control during an interrupted dribble? T-F.
1. When the official is ready and until the ball is tossed, non-jumpers shall not move onto the center restraining circle? T-F. 2. When the official is ready to toss the ball, players may not change positions around the restraining circle? T-F. 3. Once the ball is tossed, a player may not take a position in an occupied space? T-F…. Read more »
1. If the lead official picks up the ball below the free throw line extended, the trail official must officiate off the ball ? T-F. 2. No on-court entertainment should occur on a 30 second time-out? T-F. 3. The trail official should officiate where the lead cannot? T-F. 4. An excessive time out is an administrative technical foul charged to… Read more »
1. The Arrow is reversed when the throw-in team fouls prior to the throw-in ending? T-F. 2. The Arrow is reversed when the opponents foul prior to the throw-in ending? T-F. 3. The Arrow is reversed when the throw-in touches a player on the floor inbounds or out of bounds? T-F. 4. The Arrow is reversed when the throw-in team… Read more »